“Organ and Liturgy today”

Shrine of Fatima, 20 – 22 November 2003

Day 20th
Schedule themes teatcher
10:00 Opening

Conference “The Pipe Organ King of instruments?”

Professor Franz Stoiber,

Rector of the School of Sacred Music at Regensburg (Germany)

13:00 Lunch
14:30-16:15 Communications – table presided by Professor Luís Manuel Silva (UCP – Lisbon):


The eternal Origins of Sacred Music Professor Valentino Miserachs,President of the Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music (Rome)


Portuguese Sacred Poliphony of the XVI, XVII and XVIII centuries. Professor José Maria Pedrosa (Coimbra)


The Portuguese-Brasilian Sacred Music repertoire of the XVIII century. Prof. Sérgio Dias (Brasil)


The Organ music and the Liturgy in Portugal in the XVII and XVIII centuries. Professor Gerhard Doderer ( Lisbon)


Music in religious services in the Evangelical Church. Professor Martin Lutz (Frankfurt e/and Mainz)
16:30 - 19:45 Communications – table presided by Professor Luís Manuel Silva (UCP – Lisbon):


Presentation of the Motu Proprio Tra le Sollecitudini. Professor Felice Rainoldi (Roma e/and Como)


Influence of the Motu Proprio in the Liturgical music of the XX century). Professor Felice Rainoldi (Roma e/and Como).


Contemporary musical languages and Liturgy. Professor Johann Trummer (Graz – Áustria).
4. Liturgical music for Organ in Germany, in the XX century. Professor Klemens Schnorr (Friburgo – Alemanha, Freiburg - Germany)
5. Liturgical music for Organ in France, in the XX century Professor Gilles Cantagrel (Paris)
6. The compositions for Liturgical Organ of Peter Eben. Professor David Eben (Praga).
20:00 Dinner
21:30 Concert: Portuguese Music of the XVII and XVIII centuries by the Choir of the Cathedral of Oporto
Day 21st
Schedule themes teatcher
09:30 Lesson: “The Pipe Organ in Church Music”) Professor Ruy Vieira Nery  (University of Evora / Foundation Calouste Gulbenkian).
10:15 - 12:30 Communications - table presided by Professor José Uriol (Zaragoza)
1. The great schools of organ making in Europe and the Organ for Liturgy Adolph Wolfram,Director of the magazine Organ – Germany).
2. The Liturgical Organist and the organ maker. Prof. Nicolas Roger (Shrine of Fatima)
3. The organ maker and the Liturgical Music for Organ Organ builder  Gerhard Grenzing (Barcelona).
4. The Liturgical organist today. Professor Klemens Schnorr (Friburgo – Alemanha, Freiburg - Germany).
5. The Historical Organ and the Liturgical Music of today. Professor José Uriol (Saragoça, Zaragoza)
6. The education of the Liturgical organist today. Professor Anselm Hartmann (Porto e/and Feldkirch – Áustria)
13:00 Lunch
15:30 Visit to the Organs of Mafra.

Brief recital

by Prof. João Vaz and Rui Paiva (Lisbon).
17:00 Visit to the Organ of S. Vicente de Fora – Lisbon

Brief recital

by Prof. José Uriol (Zaragoza)
18:30 Mass at the Patriarchal Cathedral of Lisbon. Gregorian Choir of Lisbon

Choir of Santa Maria de BelémOrgan:Professor Klemens Schnorr (Friburgo – Alemanha; Freiburg, Germany

20:30 Dinner offered by The Municipality of Lisbon

Day 22nd

Schedule themes teatcher
09:00 Evocation of S. Cecilia: Mass celebration

Music: Mass De Angelis

Motet by The Ançãble Choir (Director Pedro Miranda)
10:00 Conference “The Organ in the Church today”. Canon Ferreira dos Santos (Oporto), President of the National Service of Sacred Music
10:45 - 12:45 Communications – table presided by Canon Ferreira dos Santos
1. The Liturgical Organ in the United States. Professora Marie Rubis Bauer (Laurence – Kansas – USA)
2. The Liturgical Organ in Brazil Professor Marco Aurélio Lischt (Rio de Janeiro)
3. The future of the Pipe Organ in worship Professor Johann Trummer (Graz – Áustria).
4. The use of the electronic organ in Liturgy. Prof. António Cartageno (Beja)
5. Liturgical spaces and the place of the Pipe Organ. Professor José Ribeiro Gomes (Bragança).
13:00 Lunch
14:30 - 16:30 Round table, moderated by Professor João Peixoto - Oporto. Present also members of the Scientific Commission and a young organist.
16:30 Visit of the congress participants to the big Organ Ruffati of the Basilica of Fatima.
18:00 Presentation of the conclusions of the Congress.
19:00 Concert by The Gulbenkian Choir.
20:30 Dinner

The Addressee of the Congress

Liturgists, Organists, Organ-makers, musicologists, Composers of Liturgical Music, Diocesan Directors of Sacred Music, Agents of Liturgical Music during the Celebrations, Professors of music, Architects of new Churches, etc.

Inscription : 100 €

50% discount for students and agents of

liturgical music in the communities

Dead Line for inscription: 13 November 2003


Serviço de Pastoral Litúrgica (SEPALI)

Santuário de Fátima – 2496-908 FÁTIMA (PORTUGAL)

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